Hong Konger guide

【Hong Konger guide】How to adapt to HK life for non-local students

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Although I have been studying and living in Hong Kong for the majority of my life, I do not fill the requirements to be qualified as a local Hong Konger.
Firstly, I’m much more fluent in English than Cantonese.The people that I’m friends and acquainted with are very diverse and from international countries.I’m also more familiar with the western culture and traditions.
Honestly speaking, I believe that for a person like me, it is difficult to adapt to the Hong Kong life.To reiterate, I do not think of myself as a Hong Konger,this article is written as a Hong Konger guide from the point of view of a non-local.Which means that it is less likely to be biased and one-sided.

Hong Konger guide

Perfecting Cantonese

One way to adapt to life in Hong Kong is by being fluent in Cantonese.If a non-local person can speak proficient Cantonese then this will benefit him/her immensely.To me, spending the time perfecting my Chinese is like a good personal investment.Job opportunities will be greater and the chances of getting hired will be much higher.Since my Cantonese is weak, it is a bit tougher for me to expand my job choices.
Also, having conversations in Cantonese with Hong Kong locals will be much more enjoyable.Because of the fact that Hong Kong is an international city, the English language is also quite important.So at least, I have got that to compromise myself for not being able to speak fluent Cantonese.

Hong Konger guide

Engaging and indulging in Hong Kong culture

As someone who has been living in Hong Kong for quite some time,I feel like getting more involved and indulging in the tradition and culture of Hong Kong can help us adapt to the life here.By blending in with fellow Hong Kongers, we are better able to understand the culture and the significance it has on the city.As a person who is open to new beginnings and experiences, engaging in more can make it fun and worthwhile.
Hong Konger guide

Embrace Hong Kong as a city – Sports, festivals, public holidays

Last but not least, this part of the article is like an extension of the previous point I have mentioned above.The only way to well adapt to the life in Hong Kong would be to immerse ourselves in it.If we non-locals take part in the activities and events as Hong Kong people then this gives us an opportunity to truly appreciate the beautiful culture and tradition of Hong Kong.
For instance, we can take part in special occasions such as the rugby 7s, dragon boat festival races, Chinese new year parades, and etc.Just imagine, during these events where the people are a mixture of various ethnicities.If that were to happen, this would encourage everyone to interact with one another and bond together.
[Extended Reading] Multicultural classrooms | Foreign students studying in Hong Kong
[Extended Reading] Hiking places in HK | Peaceful activity
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