【Maths Learning】Do I have learning difficulties in mathematics?

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When it comes to Mathematics, I will always have mixed feelings. It is the hardest subject I have ever encountered in my school life. I was never good at it. And, I had big learning difficulties in mathematics. For years and years, I tried my best to try to comprehend the calculations, formulas, and steps involved. But unfortunately for me, I was never able to excel at it. This blog is dedicated towards my general thoughts and struggles with the subject.

Young Math Learner

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Learning math is always difficult for me since I was young.

Ever since primary school, I was always a slow learner when it comes to Maths. I used to hate Math classes and I was never in the mood to learn. I guess maybe that’s why I struggled so much as a young kid. But to be honest, maths back in primary wasn’t really that complicated so it might’ve bored me a little. Besides, I was more intrigued by science subjects so that’s also another excuse for me. It would’ve been really nice if I had put a little more thought into it.

Have some fun

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It is not easy to do math continously, especially when you are not having fun.

However, as I gradually started to get older and move up to secondary school, my feelings towards maths shifted. Maths as a subject felt less daunting and more interesting. I found a way to immerse myself in maths by having more fun with it. The main point about maths is to solve problems. Whenever I was able to solve a problem correctly, it filled me with joy and excitement. So, as I was learning, I was having fun at the same time. And that to me is a method we could use for effective learning – by having fun.

Fell in Love with Math

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When it comes to math, I cannot stop worrying about it.

As a terrible maths student, I tend to struggle in math-related subjects.Something that I’m not very fond of. Every time there is a course, that has a little bit of math involved, it always worries me. This has been my main struggle as a College student. I’m particularly well off with most courses, but the ones with maths are hard for me to score a good grade. I hope that some of you readers are able to connect and resonate with me on this very topic. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who is a terrible math student around.
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