Peaceful activity

【Leisure Activities】Peaceful activity in Hong Kong – Hiking Places

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Peaceful activity in Hong Kong

Peaceful activity in Hong Kong

Hiking places in HK | Peaceful activity

Peaceful activity
People in Hong Kong engage in various activities during their free time.
Singing karaoke, dining together, watching movies, etc.
Lately, more and more Hong Kongers love to go hiking to blow off some steam or for their own enjoyment.
Personally, I don’t really go hiking that often, or hardly ever for that matter.
I have a few friends who do go hiking and they say it’s a lot of fun.

Peaceful activity
In Hong Kong, it isn’t difficult to find hiking trails.
Even though HK isn’t geographically large and land is very limited, the trails are more than adequate.
Hiking is enjoyable to people because it allows them to escape from reality and just embrace nature.
In a city like Hong Kong, where citizens are constantly busy and stressed from work, hiking may be the answer.
Completing a long and tough trail can provide hikers with gratification and sense of accomplishment.
That is exactly how I would feel like if I were to complete a very exhausting hike trail.
Peaceful activity

Hiking or suffering

The main reason why I don’t really go hiking is mainly because of the heat.
The weather in HK gets really unbearable during summer, and it is the main reason that deters me from going hiking.
Besides, I play basketball on a regular basis so hiking is not really in my mind.
But what I didn’t know is the advantages associated with hiking.
Hiking provides us humans with numerous health-related benefits it’s unbelievable.
It can lower our risks of heart disease, improve blood pressure, boost bone density, and many more.
Peaceful activity


hiking is an activity that is kind of underrated in my opinion.
Hiking can be fun in groups and enjoyable alone.
It’s a very peaceful activity that can get enable some to search for their inner peace.
Even though I don’t really go hiking that often, I would strongly recommend people to go hiking alone at least once.
Alone time is important for everyone and it is almost imperative at some point in time.
[Extended Reading] How to adapt to HK life for non-local students | Hong Konger guide
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