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1. Pronouns
Subject pronouns: I, You, He, She, It, We, They
Object Pronouns: Me, You, Him, Her, It, Us, Them
Possessive Pronouns: Mine, Yours, His, Hers, Ours, Yours, Theirs
Reflexive Pronouns: Myself, Yourself, Himself, Herself, Itself, Ourselves, Yourselves, Themselves
I, Me(我)
We use “I” and “me” to refer to the speaker or writer. “I” is the subject form and “me” is the object form.
We use “you” to refer to the listener or reader. It is both the subject and the object form. “You” can refer to one person or more than one person. It is usually clear from the context whether “you” is singular or plural.
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Copyright © 2023 Tutor Circle 尋補. All rights reserved. 此文章未經許可,不得轉載。
He, Him; She, Her(他/她)
“He“, “him“, “she” and “her” are singular third-person pronouns. “He” and “him” are the masculine forms. “She” and “her” are the feminine forms.
We use “it” to refer to things or use “it” as an empty pronoun where there is no other subject to put in the subject position, particularly when referring to the weather or time.
We, Us(我們)
We use “we” and “us” to refer to different groups of people, but always including the speaker. “We” and “us” can refer to the speaker + the listener, or the speaker + other people but not the listener, or people in general including the speaker.
They, Them(他們)
We use “they” and “them” to refer to specific groups of people, things, and animals.
2. Verb to be
Is, Am, Are
I am (I’m)
He is, She is, It is (He’s, She’s, It’s)
We are, You are, They are (We’re, You’re, They’re)
3. Prepositions

The dog is in the box.
The dog is on the box.
In front of
The dog is in front of the box.
The dog is behind the box.
Next to
The dog is next to the box.
The dog is under the box.
The dog is between two boxes.
The dog is jumping over the box.
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中學排名 呈分試 升中面試 英文補習
大學收分 Jupas 副學士 DSE筆記
大學五件事 私補價錢 Ocamp 暑期工
生日好去處 IQ題 任坐Cafe