
【小六英文練習】P6 Eng Grammar工作紙|補習/自學教材

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1. Passive Voice

The relationship between a subject and a verb in which the subject receives the action of the verb, or the verb forms which show this relationship.
e.g. The ball hit my brother. ➡️  My brother was hit by the ball.

2. -ed & -ing Adjectives

-ed describes a person’s own feelings.
e.g. I feel excited.
-ing describes a situation, a thing, or a person that causes the feelings.
e.g. This football match is exciting.

3. If Conditional

There are different types of conditions. Some are possible or likely, others are unlikely, and others are impossible.

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Real conditionals

Real conditionals refer to things that are true, that have happened, or are very likely to happen.
e.g. If I cannot sleep, I listen to music.

Imagined conditions: 1st conditional

We use the first conditional to talk about the result of an imagined future situation, when we believe the imagined situation is quite likely.
e.g. If tomorrow rains, I will stay at home.

Imagined conditions: 2nd conditional

We use the second conditional to talk about the possible result of an imagined situation in the present or future. We say what the conditions must be for the present or future situation to be different.
e.g. If you woke up earlier, you could have breakfast with us.

Imagined conditions: 3rd conditional

We use the third conditional when we imagine a different past, where something did or did not happen, and we imagine a different result.
If I had practiced more, I would have won in the match.

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