Summer vacation is the break from school that we College students all need.Unless you are a recent high-school graduate, then you must be dying to start your first day of University.Often times, it feels like summer break ends faster than usual, especially if you are out having fun.
This summer has been exactly like that for me.I’ve been having a lot of fun, so much fun that time has gone by really fast.Next thing you know its time to go back to school.The first week of school is going to be really relaxed because everyone is still in a holiday mood.Which is why we must prepare ourselves for the new semester before going back to school.
How I prepared for the new school semester ~
For me, preparing for the new school semester is not a top priority.The reason why I say this is because our school workload during the first few weeks is relatively easy and less overwhelming.Meaning that I don’t have to necessarily expend the time and energy into early preparation.But when the time comes and there is a need for preparation, I usually start by reviewing the lecture notes and try to familiarise myself with it.
That way I’ll have at least an idea of what to expect when mid-term test starts to roll around.Also, I try to watch some Youtube videos on certain courses if the course is difficult to comprehend at first glance.
Why preparation is important ~
Even though most of us at the start of a new semester is most definitely chilling and taking it easy.Lack of preparation can lead to adverse circumstances.For instance, being lazy at first can have a contagious impact on the rest of the school year.So it is very important to start the semester with a hard-working attitude.
However, it may be hard to sustain the same attitude throughout the whole school year.Which is why it is important to challenge ourselves with attainable targets and incentives.
My fear regarding the new upcoming semester:
This upcoming school year, I will be facing new and tough challenges.The majority of the courses I will be attending are new to me.And, that to me is quite scary already.
For year 2 of AD, I’m planning to work extremely hard because I want to attain a really high GPA.If I’m able to capture a really high enough GPA and transfer to a prestigious University in Hong Kong, then I will be proud of myself.Because who doesn’t want to enroll in a top Uni?
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Self-proclaimed 2k god, aspiring entrepreneur, meme enthusiast and basketball fanatic.