
【海外升學】Studying overseas in the future? | Studying overseas

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As young people, we all have the insatiable desire of living our lives to the fullest.And as college students, we may also consider studying overseas for further education.Well, although this decision may seem risky and daunting, it can actually be a life-changing choice to make.
People who go to study overseas are exposed to a whole different environment, and that includes a whole new culture and people. As a student who is from an international secondary school background, studying overseas was a normal thought. In fact, it was widely encouraged and advocated by several peers and relatives.

Why study overseas?

There are uncountable reasons that justify going overseas for further education, so I’ll just keep it brief.
First and foremost, is for the sake of receiving a better education.There are quite a number of prestigious Universities abroad and that can be attractive to several families and students.Also, enrolling in a reputable University means greater chances of being employed in a well-established company, along with many other benefits.
Studying overseas also requires students to take the opportunity to step out of their comfort zone and enrich their capabilities.Many students who come back from studying abroad will cultivate different qualities and interests, change their looks, and just maybe even inherit an accent.This is actually an example of something that I’ve encountered when meeting my friends who had gone overseas.

Why not study overseas?

When considering going abroad, the most important factor to consider will be the expenses incurred.Most Universities abroad charge more for international students and this can discourage households from even considering.
It’s really a shame in this world that an unreasonably high cost of tuition can act as a barrier and deter thousands of talented students from receiving the education they deserve.Not to forget, going overseas means having to deal with the struggle of living alone. It can be tough and concerning, especially if we are bad at managing our finance.Not everything will go smoothly, sooner or later at one point, times will get tough and we will miss the help of our parents.

My time studying AD in Hong Kong ~

As an associate degree student, my first year studying in Hong Kong has been quite smooth and fun.The city is extremely accessible and relatively safe in terms of safety from natural disasters or any catastrophic events. We are quite fortunate to be living in this city and it should never be taken for granted.
However, I may decide to study overseas anyways.Going abroad excites me and it is something that I’ve been wanting to do since I graduated from secondary school.If I do study abroad, I can open myself to explore greater opportunities and experiences.The possibilities are endless.
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