Learning English is not an easy task to complete, it can actually be quite challenging and daunting*. There are an abundance of grammatical structures and language patterns have to be taken care of. For me, I wanted to challenge myself and test my English capability, so I decided to take the IELTS test last year. I was surprised because the test was in fact, quite interesting.
IELTS Format
Since the format of the exam is similar to other English examinations, I was feeling somehow confident. Not only because I am familiar with the standard exam style, but also because I was actually well prepared. I practised my English Oral Speaking skills with a friend of mine. I also watched a lot of English TV shows so as to improve my pronunciation and body gestures. Eventually, all these preparations proved to be constructive and worthwhile* because I performed very well for my oral exam. Bravo!
The part of the exam where I struggled the most was the reading part. The reading passages were unbelievably overwhelming* and the time constraint had made me rushing with all my answers. Then, I moved on to the writing part where I had to write an essay describing a given graph. Describing a graph is never a favoured task. I had to try with all my strengths and gratefully, I was able to write a reasonable essay.
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Copyright © 2023 Tutor Circle 尋補. All rights reserved. 此文章未經許可,不得轉載。
Personal thoughts
In all goodness, I personally believe that taking the IELTS exam is a challenging, yet invaluable experience. Numerous Universities and Colleges from all around the world recognize this test. Moreover, attaining excellent results in IELTS can be very rewarding especially when you have planned to study abroad.
After reading this article, I hope you readers are having a much clearer idea of how IELTS is like. Do not be afraid about IELTS, it can be a fun and challenging experience in testing your English proficiency. It is very important to prepare well, so that you would be confident during the IELTS exams and manage your time well. Prepare for your IELTS with all these little tricks, you will be able to score a good mark.
- daunting (/ˈdɔːntɪŋ/) (Adjective)
making you feel slightly frightened or worried about your ability to achieve something
令人發怵的;使人氣餒的- worthwhile (/ˌwɝːθˈwaɪl/) (Adjective)
useful, important, or good enough to be a suitable reward for the money or time spent or the effort made
值得的;值得花錢 (或時間、精力) 的- overwhelming (/ˌoʊ.vɚ-/) (Adjective)
difficult to fight against
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