Every one in this world is proud to represent the place they were born in.Our hometown represents a part of yourseland all the happy memories growing up as a child.Well for me,My hometown is a small town back in Nepal.It is very important that young adults remember where we come from.
Brief introduction about Nepal
Nepal is a country largely consisting of rural* areas.Meaning that transportation and getting around places is tough.Nepal is also filled with enormous gigantic* mountains,including the breath-taking Mount Everest.Which not only serves as a huge usedbut is also important to the history of Nepal.The most eye-opening feature of Nepalis probably the people.There are millions and millions of inhabitantsproudly represent their culture in every way imaginable.One thing I also love about Nepal,is the food there.Nepalese cuisine is simply amazing And I strongly recommend everyone to try it out.
My hometown
The place where I’m from is very far from the city,with not many leisure facilities or resources available nearby.To me, it wasn’t really such a big deal.Back when I was a kid, had fun making use of the environment around my hometown.We didn’t need mobile phones, toys, or video games.We just made use of what we had,which wasn’t much.That is one of the reason .I treasure my childhood very dearly.
My thoughts
Being raised in a rural environment was quite different fromthe lifestyle of Hong Kong.I feel like it helped me to grow,understand the importance of hard work,and not take things for granted*.The next time I head over to my hometown.I will try to cherish every single momentbecause it may end up changing,Especially since the world is constantly undergoing changes.
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English Corner :
- rural (/ˈrʊr.əl/) Adjective
in, of, or like the countryside
- gigantic (/ˌdʒaɪˈɡæn.t̬ɪk/) Adjectives
extremely large
- take things for granted Idiom
To never think about something because you believe it will always be available or stay exactly the same
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